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日本語の継承語教育に関するリサーチのリスト (bibliography)です。

  1. Abdi, K. (2011). ‘She Really Only Speaks English’: Positioning, Language Ideology, and Heritage Language Learners. Canadian Modern Language Review, 67(2), 161-190.
  2. Aiko, M. (2018). The Relationships Between the Accuracy of Self-Evaluation, Kanji Proficiency and the Learning Environment for Adolescent Japanese Heritage Language Learners. Journal of Language and Education, 4(2), 6-23.
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  9. Calder, T. M. (2008). 補習校における母語支援: プリンストン日本語学校の実践から. In MHB研究会夏期研究大会 バイリテラル・バイカルチュラルの育成を目指して 実践と課題, xxx, xxx, 2008 (pp. 28-37).
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  12. Chinen, K. & Tucker, G. R. (2005). Heritage Language Development: Understanding the Roles of Ethnic Identity and Saturday School Participation. Heritage Language Journal, 3(1), 27-59.
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  25. Douglas, M. O. (2005). The effects of summer immersion experiences on Japanese language development: A longitudinal case study. Journal of Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education, 7, 39-59.
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  33. Endo, R. (2013). Realities, Rewards, and Risks of Heritage-Language Education: Perspectives from Japanese Immigrant Parents in a Midwestern Community. Bilingual Research Journal, 36(3), 278-294.
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  45. Hashimoto, K. & Lee, J. S. (2011). Heritage-Language Literacy Practices: A Case Study of Three Japanese American Families. Bilingual Research Journal, 34(2), 161-184.
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  52. Kanno, K., Hasegawa, T., Ikeda, K., Ito, Y., & Long, M. H. (2008). Relationships between prior language-learning experience and variation in the linguistic profiles of advanced English-speaking learners of Japanese.  In D. Brinton, O. Kagan, & S. Bauckus (Eds.),  Heritage Language Education. A new field emerging.  (pp. xx-xx). New York, NY: Routledge.
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  54. Kataoka, H. C., Kishiyama, Y., & Shibata, S. (2008). Japanese and English language ability of students at supplementary Japanese schools in the United States.  In K. Kondo-Brown & J. D. Brown (Eds.),  Teaching Chinese, Japanese and Korean heritage language students: Curriculum needs, materials, and assessment.  (pp. 47-76). New York, NY: Erlbaum.
  55. Kataoka, H. C. & Shibata, S. (2011). Japanese Language Proficiency and Home Language Use among Children of International Marriages: Breaking Free from Common Assumptions. Japanese Heritage Language Education, 4, 1-40.
  56. Kim, H. H.-S. (2008). Heritage and nonheritage learners of Korean: Sentence processing differences and their pedagogical implications.  In K. Kondo-Brown & J. D. Brown (Eds.),  Teaching Chinese, Japanese and Korean heritage language students: Curriculum needs, materials, and assessment.  (pp. 99-134). New York, NY: Erlbaum.
  57. Kondo-Brown, K. (2001). Heritage Language Students of Japanese in Traditional Foreign Language Classes: A Preliminary Empirical Study. Japanese Language and Literature, 35(2), 157-179.
  58. Kondo-Brown, K. (2003). Heritage Language Instruction for Post-secondary Students from Immigrant Backgrounds. Heritage Language Journal, 1(1), 1-25.
  59. Kondo-Brown, K. (2005). Differences in language skills: Heritage Language Learner Sub-groups and Foreign Language Learners. The Modern Language Journal, 89, 563-581.
  60. Kondo-Brown, K. (2006). How do English L1 learners of advanced Japanese infer unknown kanji words in authentic texts. Language Learning, 56, 109-153.
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  63. Kondo-Brown, K. & Fukuda, C. (2008). A separate track for advanced heritage language students?: Japanese intersectional referencing.  In K. Kondo-Brown & J. D. Brown (Eds.),  Teaching Chinese, Japanese and Korean heritage language students: Curriculum needs, materials, and assessment.  (pp. 135-156). New York, NY: Erlbaum.
  64. Kondo-Brown, K. (2009). Background, motivation, and reading ability of students in university upper-level Chinese, Japanese, and Korean classes. Reading in a Foreign Language, 21, 179-197.
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[Saturday, August 7, 2021 追加]

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